The July Month Activity Report

Topic: Impact of Climate Change

‘Climate change is real. It is happening right now, it is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.’- Leonardo Di Caprio

The changing climate scenario can have many consequences on the environment and its components. It has led to a shortage of freshwater, and it has decreased the ability to produce food, it has increased the number of deaths, storms, floods, and heatwaves. Many plants and animals have become extinct, and many are on the verge of extinction. Many diseases like malaria, dengue, malnutrition, and water-
borne diseases will also increase and impact human health. Awareness about climate change and its effects must be told to the people and society. As individuals, we can take action and become responsible so that we can make the environment a better place to live in.

The students of class VI, actively participated in the activity of the month based on ‘Climate change’. Students were divided house wise and were 4 topics as follows –

Coral House– Impacts due to CC – in your city, the state, country and different parts of the world

Emerald House– What are the factors responsible for Climate Change

Ruby House– The simple science of Climate Change

Sapphire House– Steps at individual level to reduce Carbon foot print

Students were guided by the teachers and they explored their visualisation through intricate designing as they used various pictures to create beautiful and creative charts on the 4 topics given with the objective of raising awareness and sensitivity towards the environment.

From this, students learnt to describe the greenhouse effect, global warming and the concept of climate change. Student also recognized ways to minimize the adverse impact on the environment.

Students enjoyed the activity as they expressed how curious and enthusiastic, they felt through their creative chart work.

Overall, all the students enjoyed the wonderful and creative ‘Chart making on Impact of Climate Change’ activity.


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