Report on Chilli Wonka’s Club Activity
Name of the Dishes prepared: Veg Grilled Pasta, Chocolate Soufflé

“Bon Apetito”

On an exciting exploration of Italian cuisine, the students of Chilli Wonka’s Club embarked on a flavourful journey through one of the world's most beloved culinary traditions. Italy is renowned for its rich gastronomic heritage, characterized by its emphasis on fresh, high-quality ingredients and simple yet delicious flavours. The activity was an opportunity for the students to dive into the art of Italian cooking and learn how to create a classic Italian dish that has been enjoyed for generations. As the students prepared these dishes, they not only gained valuable cooking skills but also an appreciation for the cultural significance behind the recipes. Italian cuisine is more than just food; it’s a celebration of family, tradition, and togetherness.

The students were excited to roll up their sleeves and got ready to savour some authentic Italian flavours, thereby making this cooking experience a memorable one.

The students of assembled in VII D for the attendance. They were briefed on the recipes through a Power Point Presentation which was then noted down. The students and teachers were segregated into 3 different groups to make the recipes. After the students arrived to the
designated area, they were guided by the teachers how to prep the vegetables, cheese, etc. The students put on their aprons and gloves and got to work with enthusiasm.

The students learnt how to make the quintessential white sauce which is an integral part of pasta. Later they were given a free hand at sautéing/ grilling the vegetables required for the pasta. Students acquired the skill of tossing the grilled veggies and the pasta along with the white sauce and later plated and presented the dish effectively.

The goodness of baking chocolate, chocolate syrup, heavy cream, gelatin and other ingredients were whipped up to give the Chocolate Soufflé a delectable flavor. The excitement was written all over the faces of children as they whipped up their soufflé which was later devoured by them. After relishing their own preparations, the students shared their valuable feedback.


The feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing enthusiasm for the practical knowledge gained and the enjoyment of preparing and tasting authentic Italian dishes. The class concluded with a communal meal, where participants shared their creations and celebrated their achievements.

Overall, the Italian cooking session, ‘Bon Apetito’ was a memorable and enriching experience, providing a taste of Italy’s culinary heritage and fostering a love for cooking that will undoubtedly linger long after the class has ended.

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