The report on the fourth activity of the Chilli Wonka’s Flavour Factory Club on 31 st August 2024

Baking is about transformation. An art of turning flour into cakes, eggs into custard, and ideas into something real.

On 31 st August, 2024, 33 students of the Chilli Wonka’s Flavour Factory Club assembled in the VII C classroom for the fourth activity where they were briefed about the skills of perfect baking followed by a power point presentation on the recipes of the day- Chocolate Brownies and Chocolate Cookies Students were asked if they had tried to bake before and what they enjoyed baking most.

The recipes were shared with the students in detail and they were asked to make brief notes of the same. Students were taken to the skating area in separate batches so that each student is able to observe every step of the process minutely and also get a hands on experience.
From learning how to use the whipper correctly for the first time, melting the dark chocolate to the right consistency, setting the batter onto the tins, to arranging the chocolate chips and maintaining the consistence of the temperature in the oven, students were participative at
every step.

The aroma of the piping hot cookies and brownies filled the air making every person on the campus wondering what is baking!!

This activity has taught students how to follow instructions correctly, measure correctly and enhance their concentration. Such activities help develop fine motor skills and eye hand concentration, peer learning and teamwork.

The feedback received from the students was overwhelming and very gratifying. They relished the treat shared with them. They were very pleased and remarked that the whole experience was an exciting one for them. They promised to try these recipes at home and treat their families to the same.

Report submitted by: Mrs Smitha Rakesh

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