Agastya Gandham
Special Achievement: Indian Book of Records
Name: Sachin Gandham
Class: Jr KG B
Date: 21 st June 2024
Agastya Sachin Gandham has been appreciated from IBR-India Book of Records for his talent of identifying flags of 148 countries, 10 vegetables, 10 vehicles, 20 brand logos, 37 car logos, 13 parts of the body, 12 colours, 10 shapes and 12 action words; reciting days of the week, months in a year, 3 shlokas and reverse counting from 10 to 1, at the age of 3 years and 6 months, as confirmed on May 23, 2024.
He Has been awarded with Medal, Certificate, Record Holder stickers, IBR ID card IBR Pend and Record Book for 2024. And his name will be released in the record book of 2024 and on their website soon.