Lower Primary Section (Std 1, 2 & 3)
Go Green Activity: Tree Plantation


Date: Monday, 8th July 2024

Tree Plantation, activity was to educate students on the importance of environmental conservation and involve them in practical activities such as planting a sapling, to foster a sense of responsibility towards nature.

The session began with a brief introduction by the teacher about the importance of trees. Students were informed about the benefits of planting trees, including providing oxygen, improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife.

The Go Green Activity focused on tree plantation, encouraging primary students to participate in environmental conservation by planting saplings at home. This initiative aimed to instill a sense of responsibility towards nature and promote sustainable practices from a young age.

Student Participation
Students actively participated by planting saplings at home. They were encouraged to document their experience by taking a photo of themselves with their newly planted sapling and sharing it with their teacher. This visual documentation served as a testament to their involvement and commitment to the activity.

After planting their saplings, students had the opportunity to share their experiences with their classmates.

They spoke about various aspects of the activity, including:
Selection Process: How they chose their sapling and why.
Planting Experience: The challenges and joys they encountered while planting their sapling.
Learning Outcomes: What they learned about plants and the environment through this activity.
These presentations helped students develop their communication skills and allowed them to learn from each others experiences.

Award-Winning Short Film
To further inspire and educate the students, an award-winning short film, “Bunty’s Tree” on environmental conservation was shown. The film highlighted the importance of trees and the role each individual can play in protecting the environment. This visual medium reinforced the messages of the activity and provided an engaging way for students to understand the broader impact of their actions.

The Go Green Activity was a resounding success, with enthusiastic participation from primary students. By planting saplings and sharing their experiences, students gained practical knowledge and a deeper appreciation for nature. The hands-on experience not only provided them with valuable knowledge about tree planting and care but also helped in fostering a sense of environmental stewardship

The award-winning short film “Bunty’s Tree” served as an additional motivational tool, leaving a lasting impression on the young minds.

By nurturing a culture of environmental responsibility, we can ensure that our students grow up to be conscientious and proactive stewards of the planet.

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