“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.”     – Anne Wilson Schaef

When we promote good health among employees, we make them more aware of their bodies and minds. Investing in the health of our employees is not only crucial for their well-being, but it also helps to create a productive and healthy work environment. As a part of an initiative towards our employee’s well-being, the management of Vikhe Patil Memorial School Pune organized a Medical Camp
in the school premises under the able guidance of our Principal Ms Mrinalini. With the supervision of a team of reputed staff from KEM Hospital Pune, the sample collection commenced at 7.30 am and successfully ended at 3 pm in the afternoon of 03 rd June 2024.

A general health checkup was conducted for all the teaching and non-teaching staff members in the campus on 06 June 2024. Promotive and preventive services were included along with personal counselling sessions on the importance of health related issues. Additionally the camp also initiated a free eye check-up on the same day by Atharva Netralaya. All staff members including supportive staff were screened for vision and other ophthalmic issues. Those with specific issues were guided accordingly.

The Principal on behalf of the management and staff thanked the health care team for rendering their services to the institution.

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