Making a picture book on Climate Change.

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, impacting ecosystems, weather patterns, and human communities worldwide. As part of our school's outreach initiative, we embarked on an activity to create a picture book on climate change. This activity was conducted on 11 th July 2024 for the students of Std VII and VIII. The goal was to educate students and the broader community about climate change in an engaging and accessible way. The project began with a detailed planning phase, which included orientation by the class teachers and research on climate change topics by the students to determine the key messages to include in the book. The picture books created by the students were visually appealing. It covered various agendas like Climate events they have witnessed in recent days – global to local and Science of Climate Change, case studies, real-life examples, and stories. Students included interactive elements, solutions, and action plans. This activity was rewarding for the students. It has effectively raised awareness and educated them about the importance of addressing climate change.

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