The Power of Connection


                                “A powerful Connection is the child’s deepest need and a parent’s highest influence”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -Lelia Schott                                             

Parenting is the one of the most satisfying and rewarding experiences in life, but at the same time it is equally challenging. Hence, parent education improves parents’ sense of self- efficacy and competency, as well as parental satisfaction. It also results in positive changes in the parent child bond. With this view, a session on parenting was conducted for the parents of grades 8th, 7th & 6th on the 24th, 25th and 26th of June respectively. This session took place in the AV room and Seminar Hall of the main building of Vikhe Patil Memorial School, Pune

The prime purpose of having this session was to provide an opportunity for parents to evaluate their methods and empower them to choose the parenting approach that works best for them. A survey was conducted for the students prior to the session and their responses were shared with the parents, so that the parents understand the way their children think. This was followed by a reflective activity where parents went back in time and thought of all significant events or people who created an impact on them in their own teen years. Parents shared their experiences and learning of that time which really helped everyone to understand the importance of being present for the child.

The speaker explained the Parenting styles and the impact that it had on children. Various techniques were shared with the parents for them to build a stronger connect with their child. The speaker also threw light upon the appropriate ways to communicate with children when they’re not at their best. The ways and means to build a better connect with the teenage child were elucidated using different techniques.

The parents of grade 6 received handwritten letters from their children as soon as they entered. This was an activity conducted a week prior to the session for the students of grade 6 in their classes, where in, students had to write on,“I wish my parents knew ……” Parents were very happy to receive these letters by their wards. This session began with a reflective activity followed by understanding of the normal psychological growth in the middle childhood so that parents are aware of what to expect in their teenage child.

Importance of being Empathetic and Honest in Parenting with growing children, along with Things to do and Things to avoid were elaborated in detail with relevant examples. Giving attention, Scaffolding, Making wise use of Authority, Role Modeling and importance of Apologizing were few other fundamental principles of parenting that were discussed. Parents were made to understand the importance of being emotionally available to the child in the pre-adolescent age in order for them to have a joyful adolescence.

The session concluded with queries from a few parents along with the feedback. Parents expressed their appreciation for conducting this much needed workshop at the beginning of the year and requested for having these sessions more often.

Overall the parenting sessions on all three days were very well received by all the attendees. It left the parents empowered with lot of tips and tricks that they can implement and build a better connect with their child.


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