Report on World Productivity Day 2024: Focus on Time Management

World Productivity Day, celebrated annually on June 20th, is dedicated to enhancing productivity at both individual and organizational levels. This year, our school organized a special event focusing on “Time Management”, aimed at empowering our students with
essential skills to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

The event’s highlight was a special assembly followed by an interactive session with our esteemed ex-students and school toppers. These accomplished individuals, now thriving in various fields, shared their experiences and insights with the current students of classes IX
and X. The ex-students were allotted one class each in Std IX A, B, C, D and XA, B, C, D, where they interacted for 20 minutes. The session was inspiring and filled with practical advice on managing time effectively.

State Topper Anagha Chaudhary emphasized taking self-written notes. Malhar Bapat shared techniques for balancing academics and extracurricular activities. He shared how he used time-blocking techniques to allocate specific time for studying, sports, and hobbies. Tanisha Mantri discussed the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. She credited this method for helping her maintain concentration during long study sessions. Mukta Kshirsagar highlighted the significance of prioritizing tasks. She advised students to identify their most important tasks (MITs) each day and tackle them first. Tanishqa Jadhav focused on SMART Goals: Setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.

The students actively participated in the discussions. They were encouraged to share their challenges with time management and received personalized advice from the ex-students. The feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed that the ex-
student’s practical tips and real-life examples were constructive. Some comments included: “Hearing from our seniors who were once in our shoes was motivating. I feel more confident about managing my time now.”

The World Productivity Day event on Time Management was a resounding success. It provided our students with valuable tools and techniques to enhance their productivity.

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