‘Financial Literacy -Session 2’

Date: 10 th June, 24 th June & 8 th July

When people are financially literate, they have the essential foundation for a smart relationship with money. In today’s world, budgeting, investing, taxation, etc. have become part and parcel of our lives. Financial literacy is an indispensable skill in today’s world. We can obtain financial literacy through reading books, listening to experts, subscribing to content, or talking to a financial professional.

Obtaining financial literacy is one of the most important things an individual can do to ensure financial stability. To benefit from fostering financial literacy among VPMS students, a session was conducted by Ms. Shruti Shah, an ex-student of Vikhe Patil Memorial School, Pune.

The session commenced with an interactive recap of the previous session. Children wholeheartedly responded and were happy to share their opinion about the work done during vacations. Today’s world has become money-minded, so people try to find different ways to increase their income. But just growth is not sufficient; how we spend and save is equally important. On that account, students were asked about the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’. The flow of the answers was tremendous. The speaker cited multiple examples by asking them questions related to their day-to-day lives. She laid emphasis on certain important points, such as budgeting, saving, and judicious
expenditure. The speaker focused on the budget, which will help us achieve our smaller goals and satisfy our needs. A beautiful story of ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’ gave a deeper insight into our savings for tomorrow. It showed that children are aware of the importance of money and how to save it. The speaker kept the young minds engaged all throughout the session.


The session for the middle school children was thought-provoking, reciprocal, and enriching in every way. Students had a whopping takeaway in their baggage. Children made a resounding cry and clapped to show their appreciation for the speaker.

“We have enjoyed and understood the concepts of Financial Literacy. It gave us a glimpse of our future financial management. I was curious to find more about the different currencies of the world. I am looking forward to the next session.” —Tananya Sadigale(VIII-A)

“The session on Financial Literacy was very informative, interactive and energetic. The speaker explained well and answered each query patiently. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about my needs and wants and will surely implement in my life.” —Vardhan Mahajan (VII-D)

“Today I have learned an important lesson i.e. stay within the budget. Be aware and maintain records of how much money you spend and where you spend it. I thank VPMS for conducting such an important session to build the future generation to become financially strong. —Anushka Seth(VII-C)

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