Report on ‘The Financial Literacy Workshop’

Activity: A Financial Literacy Workshop conducted by CBSE

Name of the Resource Person: Mr. Navin Kesharwani, Financial Literacy Trainer, IRDA certified Insurance Advisor, NISM certified Mutual Fund Distributor, Family Financial Expert ‘Without a doubt food, clothing and shelter are the basic necessities of life. To procure
these, we need money and to earn money, we need to be disciplined’. The above quote conveys the importance of financial literacy.

The workshop on financial literacy for teachers was held with the aim of equipping educators with essential knowledge and skills to manage their finances effectively. The event, organized by the ICICI Prudential Mutual Funds in collaboration with the CBSE board took place on 5 th July, 2024 in the Audio-Visual Room at Vikhe Patil Memorial School, Pune.

The resource person, Mr. Navin Kesharwani, with his vast experience in this field explained the complexities concerning financial calculations in a simple and lucid manner.

During the workshop, participants engaged in interactive sessions covering topics such as budgeting, savings, investment basics, and retirement planning. An effective presentation was used to demonstrate the application of financial concepts in everyday
life. Participants were encouraged to ask questions fostering a collaborative learning environment.

One of the key highlights was the session on understanding of the long- term investment in the mutual funds and useful strategies to avoid financial pitfalls. Teachers learned about the importance of building an emergency fund and planning for future financial goals. Additionally, the trainer encouraged the participants to invest in various platforms such as property, gold, shares/ bonds and mutual funds. The calculations made using simple tables to explain the returns/ profit through mutual funds were fascinating and compelled teachers to invest money in this sector as soon as possible for the noticeable profit. Along with profit inducing investment, he underlined the
significance of the life insurance cover and health insurance which may be useful in the long run.

Nearly 83 teachers attended the workshop. Feedback from the attendees was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the practical insights

gained. They emphasized the relevance of such workshops in enhancing personal financial management skills, which in turn could positively impact their teaching effectiveness and overall well-being.

In conclusion, the workshop on financial literacy was the need of the hour and helped teachers to understand the importance of long -term investment and its benefits. One of the teachers, after having attended the workshop said ‘ This workshop was truly an eye opener in terms of strategizing the financial investment and the financial gains to secure our future’. This feedback itself sufficed enough to underline the success and the usefulness of this workshop.

-Ms. Sheetal Ingole

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